We love fixing computers and helping people with their IT problems, but we also love to give something back – and last week, we got the chance to do just that.
The projectfive elves (otherwise known as Rob and Suzanne) set off in the sleigh (well, van) to deliver Christmas trees to 10 of the Surrey Choices sites across Surrey.
Surrey Choices provide a range of support services dedicated to improving independence, confidence and life skills of people with a range disabilities and support needs in their local community.
They support those with learning, and physical disabilities, sensory needs, people on the autistic spectrum and those with mental health and well-being challenges. The objective is to enable every person the chance to fulfil their potential and reach their goals through enjoying, learning and achieving.
The Christmas trees came from the Winter Pimm’s Networking event that we ran in conjunction with Surrey Wildlife Trust at the beginning of December. Over 130 local businesses attended and we cut down the trees by hand, to allow the heathland habitat to flourish.
And what better thing to do than give the trees away for Christmas!
It was a pleasure meeting the staff and customers from the centres and they all had fun decorating the trees! We’d like to wish everyone at Surrey Choices a very Happy Christmas!
To contact Surrey Choices please visit their website www.surreychoices.com or contact on email info@surreychoices.com or call 01483 806 806.