A warm welcome to Kerris and Sharlene

Posted by Business IT Camberley on Jul 1, 2014 12:00:00 AM

The projectfive family has welcomed 2 new members to the team:
Kerris is the new Marketing & Business Development Assistant and has joined Michael and Leanne in the Business Development team (now referred to as KLM by Steve). She has known the orange family for several years after collaborating with the team on many IT related projects, whilst working as a marketing assistant at Watts Gallery. As part of the KLM team, she will be looking after clients and using her artistic background to get creative with the orange brand!
Sharlene is our new support help desk administrator and will be working with Phil, to look after our support team and make sure that all of the techy enquiries get answered. Within a couple of days of starting, she arrived at work dressed in co-ordinating orange top whilst sporting a giant pair of orange sunglasses – orange really is the new black!

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