At last, our 1948 Jowett van is now fully restored, and was launched to the world by spending the day in The Mall.
For those who’ve been following my thoughts on using a Tablet in business, it’s time to give another update.

We’ve spoken to a sample of our customers, and we can see that many of you will be open between Christmas and New Year – so, we’ll be there to serve you – as you’d expect!

The vast majority of us are by now aware that having a password on our home Wi-Fi routers is a necessity; leaving your network open paves the way for neighbours and passers-by to cheekily ‘borrow’ your internet connection, and it will also give them access to any shared data you have on your computers.

All change at the IoD 859 Breakfast Club
Chris Ragg has been running the 8:59 Breakfast at Guildford Cathedral on the last Friday of every month for over 11 years (135 times to be precise) – and March 2012 will be his last one!

We’re really pleased to welcome Wayne to the team today. Back in September we were one of Surrey’s businesses who pledged to take on an Apprentice for 2012. We were even mentioned on the BBC News website for doing so!

Well, it’s that time of year when we all need to take time off to recover from all the Christmas Parties. However, not everyone gets to take time off – so that means we don’t take time off either! A quick straw-poll of some of our clients showed that over 250 people would be in their offices between Christmas and the New Year – so, we’ll not only be open – but we’ll have at least 3 people in on...